Antenatal Clinic

The midwife runs an antenatal clinic at the health centre every Wednesday morning from 9.00-11.00. Appointments for the Antenatal Clinic can not be made via My Health Online. More…

Baby Clinic

The health visitor is present 11.00-13.30 on Tuesday for weighing babies and for advice. More…


The phlebotomist is in the practice on a Thursday between 8.30 and 11.30. More…


An asthma review is required every year so that your condition may be assessed. More…

Diabetic Clinic

Diabetic reviews are performed at between 4 and 12 month intervals depending on your control. More…

COPD Clinic

We need to see you once a year for a lung function test – spirometry. More…

Well Woman Clinic

This is run during normal surgery hours. More…

Flu Clinic

This is a seasonal clinic running from October every year. More…

Family Planning

The practice nurses and the doctors provide contraceptive advice by appointment. More…

Travel Immunisations and Antimalarials

Please make a 30 minute appointment with the nurse to discuss your vaccination requirements. More…

Hypertension Clinic

If you have received a letter asking you to attend for a hypertension review. More…

Private Non-NHS Work Fees

The NHS provides most health care free of charge. However there are a number of other services for which fees can be charged. These are mainly for services not covered by the NHS, such as medical reports for insurance companies. More…

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